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Fragbite Masters will be back


Time for a new season of Fragbite Masters

We're glad to present a fourth season of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem.
After a successful third season of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem, we're happy to announce that we're back with a fourth edition! Just like last winter, this season will consist of two e-sports titles; StarCraft II and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

MMA (SC2) and fnatic (CS:GO), the winners of Fragbite Masters Season 3

Of course, this tournament wouldn't be possible to organize without the support of our lovely partners. For the fourth season in a row, our beloved title sponsor Com Hem as well as McDonald's will be a part of Fragbite Masters to help us out with the StarCraft II tournament. Also, our great cooperation with Blizzard Entertainment should not go unmentioned.

First out: StarCraft II

The first tournament of the season will be the RTS title StarCraft II, where 16 participants, half of which will be directly invited by the organizers, will battle for a prize purse of 100,000 SEK. The sum is translated into approximately 12,000 USD, or 10,500 EUR.

The title holder of the StarCraft II tournament is none other than South Korean Mun "MMA" Seong Won. In the Season 3 grand final, he managed to beat the German surprise performer Fabian "GunGFuBanDa" Mayer in a nail biting battle at the Fragbite Studios in Stockholm, Sweden. The final score was 4-3 in favor of Seong Won, who dodged what could have been one of the biggest upsets in StarCraft II history.

With the win, MMA joined Son "StarDust" Seok Hee and Ko "HyuN" Seok Hyun in the Hall of Fragbite Masters Champions, and a fourth spot is now up for grabs. The upcoming season will begin with the qualifying stage the 4th of March. More information, such as details regarding qualifiers, invited players, prize distribution and much more will be presented later this week.

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