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Fragbite Masters will be back


Here is the Play of the Day winner

The voting has closed, and the numbers have been gathered. We have a winner of the Fragbite Masters Season 3 Com Hem Play of the Day competition!
To avoid spoilers, we begin this post with a video counting down the top five. In other words, the last clip in the video is the winner of 25 000 SEK (approximately 2 700 EUR) signed Com Hem. If you want to read more about the numbers and such, please scroll down and read it undernearth the YouTube player below.

Over 7 000 votes were registered in the voting, and Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund managed to get almost one third of them all with almost 2 000 votes. The runner up, Ioann "Edward" Sukhariev, got well below half as many votes as the NiP superstar. In third place, we see Olof "olofm" Kajbjers pistol ace against HellRaisers, trailed by Julia "juliano" Kiran's AWP efforts versus Titan. On a solid fifth place in the voting is Yegor "markeloff" Markelov's 1vs3 clutch against Team Property.

1. Sverige GeT_RiGhT (NiP)vs. Sverige fnatic28,4%Watch clip
2. Ukraina Edward (Na`Vi)vs. Tyskland mousesports12,2%Watch clip
3. Sverige olofm (fnatic)vs. Ukraina HellRaisers9,5%Watch clip
4. Sverige juliano (Bad Monkey)vs. Frankrike Titan9%Watch clip
5. Ukraina markeloff (HellRaisers)vs. Sverige Team Property7,7%Watch clip

This closes out the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournament of Fragbite Masters Season 3 powered by Com Hem, and we would like to congratulate GeT_RiGhT to the 25 000 SEK and the title. To all of you who have followed the season, a big thank you! See you next year(?)!

To all of our followers who might enjoy other games than CS:GO, we would like to take this opportunity to invite you all to follow our LAN finals of the Fragbite Masters StarCraft II tournament which will go down this weekend. You can find more information about the tournament here.

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