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Fragbite Masters will be back


Play of the Day — Time to vote!

The time has come to crown the winner of the Fragbite Masters Season 3 powered by Com Hem side competition, ComHem Play of the Day. Here are the 18 nominees, where one will get 25 000 SEK!
The third season of Fragbite Masters Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournament was settled a couple of weekends ago, and the Swedes of fnatic were victorious following a 3-1 win over the French side of LDLC. It didn't completely end there, though, as we still have our side-tournament Com Hem Play of the Day left to sink or teeth into!

Throughout the season, a total of 18 players have succeeded in reflecting their skill and potential into one single round, which became the Play of the Day during that play-day. Now, we're going to vote for our favorite sequence, allowing the player behind the most popular sequence to win 25 000 SEK, (approximately 2700 EUR, or 3370 USD). Underneath this text, you'll find the 18 nominated sequences. Watch them all and cast your vote in the bottom of this article!

Playlist of all nominations

* Update: As of 2014-12-03 18:00 CET, the voting is closed. The results will be gathered and presented in the upcoming days.

Which Play of the Day was your favorite?

Nomination #1: Pimp vs. LDLC
30 (0%)
Nomination #2: Xizt vs. LDLC
403 (5%)
Nomination #3: Maikelele vs. Team Dignitas
225 (3%)
Nomination #4: chrisJ vs. Na`Vi
110 (1%)
Nomination #5: Delpan vs. Epsilon
164 (2%)
Nomination #6: markeloff vs. Team Property
538 (7%)
Nomination #7: juliano vs. Titan
629 (8%)
Nomination #8: dupreeh vs. NiP Gaming
15 (0%)
Nomination #9: SmithZz vs. mousesports
310 (4%)
Nomination #10: ScreaM vs. myXMG
278 (3%)
Nomination #11: tabseN vs. Na`Vi
96 (1%)
Nomination #12: Kjaerbye vs. HellRaisers
11 (0%)
Nomination #13: Edward vs. mousesports
853 (12%)
Nomination #14: GeT_RiGhT vs. fnatic
1990 (28%)
Nomination #15: FeTiSh vs. fnatic
115 (1%)
Nomination #16: olofm vs. HellRaisers
668 (9%)
Nomination #17: Happy vs. fnatic
209 (2%)
Nomination #18: JW vs. LDLC
362 (5%)
Undersökningen har stängts och tar inte längre emot röster.

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