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Fnatic & Dignitas take the last two LAN spots

Fnatic and Dignitas beat their oponents to claim the last two slots to the LAN finals.
After 20 days of online Counter-Strike we finally have four teams ready for the LAN finals. LDLC and Virtus.Pro qualified last week by beating Fnatic and Dignitas. The two losing team got their revenge as Fnatic beat their fellow swedes, NiP, to earn their slot in the finals. The danish team, Dignitas, had to take down the ukrainan team in Na`Vi to earn their spot in the finals.

Fnatic beat NiP to earn their spot in the finals.

This means that these four teams will duke it out for the 300 000 SEK prize purse and the LAN finals will take in Stockholm, Sweden, on between the 8th and 9th of november. More information about this event, including a full schedule will be presented in the early part of next week.

Sverige fnatic vs. Sverige NiP — 2-1
NiP: f0rest, Fifflaren, friberg, GeT_RiGhT, Xizt
fnatic: flusha, JW, pronax, olofm, krimz

de_dust2 16-4
de_cobblestone: 5-16
de_inferno: 16-13
Danmark Team Dignitas vs. Ukraina Na`Vi - 2-0
dignitas: aizy, cajunb, dupreeh, FeTiSh, Xyp9x
Na`Vi: Edward, GuardiaN, seized, starix, Zeus

de_inferno: 19-17
de_dust2: 16-2

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