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Fragbite Masters will be back


Second to last online day of Fragbite Masters

Tonight, a total of five team battle for survival in Fragbite Masters' third season, as we enter the second to last day of the online stage.
The weekend is over, and a new week means new matches in Fragbite Masters Season 3 powered by Com Hem. Tonight, five teams will play to advance in the lower bracket of the tournament, while three teams will be eliminated.

First of all, the match between Titan and Na`Vi will be settled. This match won't be broadcasted, though, as almost two maps have been played already where Titan have an 1-0 lead in maps, and lead 12-11 in the second map. Instead, the first game of the night will be between Copenhagen Wolves and HellRaisers, where only one half of the first map has been played. The score there is 10-5 in favor of Copenhagen Wolves.

As soon as the matches mentioned above are settled, we go in to the second broadcasted match of the night. This match starts from scratch, where mousesports will play the winner of the game between Titan and Na`Vi.
Danmark Copenhagen Wolves vs. Ukraina HellRaisers0-0 *

CPH: gla1ve, Pimp, tenzki, Nille, kjaerbye
HR: ANGE1, Dosia, markeloff, kucher, s1mple

Time: 19:00
Stream: FragbiteLive

* Copenhagen Wolves have an 10-5 lead in the first map
Europa mousesports vs. Frankrike Titan / Ukraina Na`Vi *

mouz: chrisJ, LEGIJA, nooky, tabseN, allu

Time: 21:00
Stream: FragbiteLive

Maps: Best of three

* Titan and Na`Vi will settle their game sometime today.

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