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Fragbite Masters will be back


mousesports overcome Bad Monkey

The European mixture surpasses their Swedish-Spanish opponent to advance in the lower bracket. The game between HellRaisers and Copenhagen Wolves will be played off stream at a later date.
The Germany-based team mousesports eliminated Bad Monkey Gaming from Fragbite Masters Season 3 powered by Com Hem tonight, as they grabbed a 2-0 win in the lower bracket. The other game of the night was, unfortunately, forced to be postponed and played off stream at a later date due to attacks.

The first match of the night, between mousesports and Bad Monkey Gaming, started off on Dust2 where Bad Monkey Gaming got a 2-0 start on the Terrorist side. Little respect was shown by mousesports, though, whose continuous force buy eventually paid off and gave them six straight rounds. When BMG won their third round, mousesports answered with a round win of their own, which drained Bad Monkey's wallets. The half time score was 11-4 in favor of mousesports, who also won the second pistol round and the following rounds at that.

chrisJ (left) and allu (right) showed most impact on the scoreboard tonight.

With a 16-4 win in their comfort, mousesports once again started off on the CT side, this time on Mirage. Once again, Bad Monkey picked up the T pistol round, but only to lose to mousesports' force buy. At 4-1, in favor of mouz, BMG started picking up round after round, evening the score to 4-4. Though, mousesports then won an eco-round which devastated Zainab "zAAz" Turkie's team's economy, letting the half slip away from them. The half time score was the same as the one on Dust2, and when mousesports won the second pistol round, the map ended in the same fashion as the previous one.
Europa mousesports vs. Sverige Bad Monkey Gaming — 2-0

mouz: chrisJ, LEGIJA, nooky, tabseN, allu
BMG: zAAz, juliano, lillsan, Sonia, iRene

Dust2: 16-4 (11-4)
Mirage: 16-4 (11-4)

Tonight's result means Bad Monkey Gaming are eliminated at 9-12th place, while mousesports go through to the third lower bracket round. There, they will face the winner in the match between Titan and Na`Vi, who are expected to play each other next week. As for tonight's other scheduled game, between HellRaisers and Copenhagen Wolves, it will be played off stream at a later, unknown date.

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