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Fragbite Masters will be back


Ruling on emilio and Team Property

Fragbite Masters have made a decision in the case of Joel "emilio" Mako and Team Property. The conclusion is that Team Property are disqualified, and Mako is banned from all future tournaments.
48 hours have passed since the suspension of Team Property after one of their players, namely Joel "emilio" Mako, was banned from Valve's Anti Cheat during a Fragbite Masters group stage match against HellRaisers. The Fragbite Masters team have now come to a conclusion, and below you'll find the final ruling on the case.


The player Joel "emilio" Mako of Team Property was VAC banned in the middle of a Fragbite Masters group stage match. Team Property were given 48 hours to investigate the ban and to give evidence proving that the ban was faulty.

This is a unique situation, to say the least. In all my years of doing Counter-Strike content and events, this one is a first.


As no evidence has been presented, and as the VAC ban is still intact with Mako's account, we have no choice but to disqualify Team Property from Fragbite Masters Season 3 with the reason: Cheating. As for Joel "emilio" Mako, he will be banned from all future Fragbite Masters events.

If additional evidence is discovered and presented to the organizers the case can be revisited. But for now, this case is considered closed.

Pontus Eskilsson, Head of Fragbite Masters

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