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Fragbite Masters will be back


Team Property suspended until further notice

After being VAC-banned mid-match against HellRaisers, Joel "emilio" Mako's Team Property have been suspended from Fragbite Masters until more information has been collected.
Many jaws dropped in tonight's match between HellRaisers and Team Property when one of the latter's star players, Joel "emilio" Mako, was served a VAC-ban mid-match. We take this matter extremely serious, and have therefore decided to suspend Mako and his team until we have collected further information.

We have a dialogue with Team Property's manager as we want to give them the opportunity to explain the situation. So please notice that we have not yet disqualified the team, only suspended them until a decision can be made. Team Property have gotten 48 hours to prove that the VAC ban is incorrect and get Valve to waive it. If this requirement is not met, Team Property are disqualified. If they were to be disqualified, the outcome of Group C will be presented at that time.

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