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Fragbite Masters will be back


Play of the Day is back — 25 000 SEK for the winner!

The beloved featured competition of our previous season, Com Hem Play of the Day, is back for Fragbite Masters Season 3 powered by Com Hem!
Tomorrow, on Wednesday the 1st of October, the group stage of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem kicks off. There are a lot of matches to look forward to, 51 of them to be more exact, as the tournament still has 18 play-days, with four groups and a double elimination bracket, left to deliver.

If you weren't hyped for these matches already, surely today's news will do the trick. We're really happy to announce that the Com Hem Play of the Day side competition will be a part of our tournament once again! Last year, the feature got a lot of positive attention, which makes this announcement even more glad from our part!

What is Com Hem Play of the Day?

As you might have seen in our qualifier broadcast, our production team delivers an instant replay function on the sweetest of all actions during the games. As some of you may remember from the previous season, we took this function one step further together with Com Hem and created the "Play of the Day" concept. Each play-day, we pick a specific performance, it could be an individual as well as a team work sequence, crowned "Play of the Day". Once the tournament is over, the audience will vote for their favorite "Play of the Day" sequence from the season. The winner will be granted 25 000 SEK, which translates into approximately 2 750 EUR.

Top 5 movie from Com Hem Play of the Day of Season 2

Last year, the winner was Richard "shox" Papillon. Papillon actually had the two highest rated sequences in the whole season. Will we see him shine with his individual performance this season as well, or will someone else grab the 25 000 SEK? I guess we'll just have to see during the season that follows!

Meanwhile, let's relive the five best sequences from Season 2 in the embedded video above!

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