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League of Legends

Ryze näst på tur när Riot uppdaterar befintliga champions

Nu har det blivit dags för en ny champion-uppdatering. Den här gången är det Ryze som står i fokus med bland annat en helt ny ulti.
Under årets gång har champion efter champion fått sig en uppdatering. En del har fått sig en större, en del mindre. Den här gången har turen kommit till en av de första karaktärerna i spelet, Ryze. Här är alla förändringar med tillhörande videoklipp.


Ryze’s spells deal additional damage based on his bonus mana, and his maximum mana is increased by a percentage of his ability power.


Passive: Casting Ryze's other spells resets the cooldown of Overload and begins charging a Rune. Cast another spell (not Overload) within this window to fully charge the Rune, or cast Overload to cancel the charge.

Active: Fire a runic blast in a direction, dealing magic damage to the first enemy struck. If Ryze has a Rune fully charged when he casts Overload, he is shielded and gains a temporary movespeed boost.


Instantly root a target and deal magic damage


Deal magic damage to a target and marks it with Flux. Ryze's next spell on targets marked with Flux will deal bonus effects:

• Overload deals bonus damage and bounces to nearby enemies marked with Flux.
• The root duration of Rune Prison is doubled.
• Spell Flux applies Flux to all nearby enemies.

If a target marked with Flux is killed by any champion, Flux is applied to all nearby enemies.


Open a portal to a location a short distance away. A couple of seconds later, all allied units within the portal's sphere are warped to the target location. It cannot be self-cast, because warping to your own location would be silly.

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