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50 flex to 60 flex

Postat av lukas2004 den 14 Augusti 2017, 00:52
5 kommentarer · 760 träffar
I am a boy thats 13 years old and plays hockey. My height is 5.28 feet and weight is 114 pounds. I have used a 52 flex that i made taller wich makes the stick a little softer and I've been using that flex during summer hockey camps now and i feel i get a good flex in My shots but I need to change to 60 flex now so the stick matches my height and the 60 flex is a little bit too tall for me but I am growing much right now. The 60 flex is a little bit harder than the stick im using right now so are my shots gonna lose power cause of that, I also don't like that the shaft on the 60 flex is thicker than the 52 flex and if I make the 52 flex as tall like the 60 flex It gets to soft. I play as right wing and like when the stick is under my nose when I'm standing on my skates.

What should I do? Should I buy 60 flex and get used to It or do somerhing else???
Uppdatering skriven 3 November 2019, 17:10
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