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Counter-Strike: GO

Nya sniperljud m.m. i nattens CS:GO-patch

Under natten har version av CS:GO rullat ut, där förändringar kring ljud, modeller och granater.
I nattens uppdatering har Valve främst fokuserat på spelarmodeller och dess hitboxar, både hur de fungerar i och i tredje person. Även några rapporterade buggar gällande smokes och brandgranater har fått sig en lösning. Kanske mest märkbart är dock att det kommit nya vapenljud.

De vapen som i natt fått nya läten är Scout, båda lagens autosniper (G3SG1 och SCAR-20) och AWP. Dessa förändringar kommer inte från ingenstans, då det endast är de fyra senaste i projektet att ändra samtliga vapenljud. Tidigare har alla pistoler, SMG:s och heavy-vapen fått sina ljud uppdaterade, och nu återstår endast rifles som M4A4, M4A1-S och AK-47.

En video som visar hur de nya sniperljuden låter.


  • The first-person camera of players, spectators, and demo-viewers is no longer allowed to rise higher than their third-person head. This should prevent first-person players from being able to see from perspectives where their third-person head is not also exposed.
  • When a player’s first-person camera is adjusted, bullets fired from both their client and server-side locations are also adjusted to emit from the corrected position.
  • If for any reason the third-person player animation lowers a player’s head beneath the client’s first-person camera, the client’s first-person camera is lowered to stay at or under the height of their third-person head. This means that the third-person motion of the player is now represented more accurately from the first-person perspective.
  • Third-person landing recovery animations are now weighted based on altitude traversed and duration in-air. Players landing from small jumps or falling from lesser heights will play more subtle landing animations.
  • The anti-crouch-spam system has been changed to use degrading speed, instead of logging keypress-count. As before, the more often players crouch, the slower they will rise or lower. But this should now prevent bugs where players would instantly stand, or lose their crouch-spam penalty by moving a tiny amount. If players crouch even more, eventually they will just stay standing up.
  • First-person and third-person crouch speed is now more closely related. The third-person player lowers more quickly to match the first-person representation.
  • Players landing in crouch positions play a more subtle landing animation that raises their third-person head less noticeably.
  • Molotovs are no longer extinguished by smokes that are significantly below them, so now it is possible to smoke inside hut on Nuke and throw a molotov on top of hut, or smoke under palace balcony on Mirage and throw a molotov on balcony floor.
  • Molotovs are no longer extinguished by smokes that are above the fire height.
  • Molotovs no longer spread under closed doors.
  • Smoke grenades no longer get stuck in player clips when they extinguish flames upon bouncing off a wall.

  • Sound

  • Increased fidelity and reduced distortion for fire sounds for AWP, SSG 08, G3SG1 and SCAR-20.
  • Added unique reload, distant and draw sounds for SSG 08, G3SG1 and SCAR-20.
  • Gunshot tails for AWP, SSG 08, G3SG1 and SCAR-20 no longer remain at the position they were fired, and instead more accurately spread over the environment.

  • Maps

  • Latest version of de_cache, minor bug fixes.

  • Misc

  • Lag compensation system will now reliably restore pose parameters responsible for animation layering which makes server-side hitboxes for lag compensated players better match client-side rendered models.
  • Fixed a bug where player body pitch could improperly rotate the entire player entity inside lag compensation processing.

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