Under onsdagen "läckte" en punkt i regelverket för FACEIT League 2015, en regel implementerad för att skydda ligan från potentiellt fusk. Regeln menar att FACEIT rättfärdigar hembesök hos spelare i antifusk-syfte, någonting som mottagits med humor, frågetecken och applåder.
Det har dock inte framgått vad spelarna själva anser om regeln, något Fragbite tagit tag i genom att prata lite med representanter från fem av de åtta deltagande lagen. Här finner vi en positiv respons i helhet, men en del frågetecken kring detaljer.
Det har dock inte framgått vad spelarna själva anser om regeln, något Fragbite tagit tag i genom att prata lite med representanter från fem av de åtta deltagande lagen. Här finner vi en positiv respons i helhet, men en del frågetecken kring detaljer.
Now that they introduced it, I hope they will actually proceed with it and not only scare the players. But at the same time, there are lots of problems that come with it, such as having a "stranger" in your house (could even be a stranger who isn't a faceit guy, trying to get into your house:O..). There are also problems such as where you are going to be playing the match from. Our team for example, we have two guys who are playing from two different addresses. So they have to collect some data, which as far as I know (don't know if I filled it out when i created a user on their website) they haven't acquired yet.
Andreas "Xyp9x" Højsleth (TeamSoloMid)
I think it's a good idea, but it feels more like "a threat" than something that will become reality to me.. but they are welcome to "prove me wrong", I give a thumbs up for it!
Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund (NiP Gaming)
For me it's funny because people have played with cheats on stage, and an agent will come to their house and watch the match to find cheats no one saw on stage. I think the bans made the cheats even more secret, and if people are still cheating, finding them will be extremely difficult.
Denis "seized" Kostin (Natus Vincere)
Although I don't think it's too serious when it comes to the home visits, I think it's great that they bring this up. Cheating has mostly been an "unwritten" rule, so I guess this is a good way to at least bring up the subject and try to counter it, and hopefully bring consequences to it.
Jesper "JW" Wecksell (fnatic)
Well to be honest, I laughed the first time I saw that. This is very original and I'm not sure of how it is going to work. I think it goes a bit too far, and could especially be a problem for competitors living at their parents house. But I guess that FACEIT will weirdly find many suspicions of cheating in Australia... #Freevacations !
Nathan "NBK" Schmidt (EnVyUs)
http://open.spotify.com/track/ 6GxeLrDIFZFpgFxKCmP1He