Efter konflikterna i Ryssland har flera lag valt att strunta i att delta. Först ut var Axiom-ägaren John "TotalBiscuit" Bain som har valt att inte skicka några spelare till turneringen på grund av säkerhetsriskerna. Han menar att människor från Korea generellt är mer närgångna och att det kan misstolkas för homosexualitet — något som inte är lika accepterat i Ryssland.
Fragbite fick tag på DreamHack Opens Projektledare Michael Van Driel för en kommentar om valet att anordna en turnering i Ryssland.
Turneringen spelas mellan den 13-14 och om fler lag hoppar på trenden återstår att se.
— We're not sending players for a couple of reasons. Firstly, Russias rampant homophobia. Not only is it morally repugnant, but it puts our players at risk. Korean males are culturally very comfortable with being close to each other. Holding hands, sitting on others laps etc, not at all uncommon. In Russia this could be mistaken for gay behavior and may result in misunderstandings that could even lead to violence. There are plenty of incidents where gay or "we thought he was gay" people have been beaten in Russia. Secondly, Russias belligerence in how they're acting with the Ukraine is reason enough to keep our players out on both moral grounds and with concern to their own safety, berättar Bain.
TLO vill inte heller åka.
Bains kommentar har skapat en het diskussion på TeamLiquid.net och på Reddit vilket i sin tur har gjort att flera andra spelare har uttryckt sina tankar om turneringen. I ett Twitterinlägg berättar bland annat Team Liquid-spelaren Dario "TLO" Wünsch berättar att han inte vill åka till Moskva, Ryssland.@SaintSnorlax Yea I don't really want to go.
— Dario Wünsch (@LiquidTLO) 6 augusti 2014
Fragbite fick tag på DreamHack Opens Projektledare Michael Van Driel för en kommentar om valet att anordna en turnering i Ryssland.
— For many years CIS countries have had a high interest in DreamHack events, including high numbers of participants attending, huge viewer base between different games, and several news/community websites attending to cover events. The CIS market is growing rapidly and makes up one of the biggest audiences so several of our partners have had a high interest in having more presence in the region.
One key component for us to expand is having a great partner to work with in the region, and we are happy to have a partnership with Techlabs. Russia is consistently one of the top 5 countries watching DreamHack Open events, and we are excited to host the biggest StarCraft II tournament the region has seen yet on September 13-14th, berättar Van Driel för Fragbite.
One key component for us to expand is having a great partner to work with in the region, and we are happy to have a partnership with Techlabs. Russia is consistently one of the top 5 countries watching DreamHack Open events, and we are excited to host the biggest StarCraft II tournament the region has seen yet on September 13-14th, berättar Van Driel för Fragbite.
Turneringen spelas mellan den 13-14 och om fler lag hoppar på trenden återstår att se.