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Play of the Day: Time to vote!

The time has come to vote for the best play during the whole Fragbite Masters StarCraft II powered by Com Hem season. Which one is your favorite?
After twelve days of StarCraft II action HyuN managed to come out ahead as the number one player in the tournament. He claimed the first prize pool and now another player will have a shot at winning some money. Thanks to Com Hem, we can bring you this unique and fun side competition were the winner takes home 25 000 SEK.

So now it's time for you to decide what highlight that will be the best "Play of the day" in the Fragbite Masters StarCraft II tournament. Take a good look at the clips, figure out your favorite and leave us a comment!

Com Hem Play of the Day!

Who do you think should win the 25 000 SEK? VOTE NOW!

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