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Fragbite Masters will be back


Fnatic win their second Fragbite Masters title

krimz – the MVP of Fragbite Masters Season 5-finals – and his prizes. A DRKN Global Elite jacket as well as an exclusive wooden box with a DRKN cap.
fnatic are the champions of Fragbite Masters Season 5. From the left: olofm, dennis, flusha, JW, vuggo, krimz.
Confetti was raining over fnatic as they won the grand final.
NiP on their way to shake hands with fnatic after the grand final.
krimz became the MVP of the tournament, winning a DRKN Global Elite jacket.
krimz – the MVP of Fragbite Masters Season 5-finals – and his prizes. A DRKN Global Elite jacket as well as an exclusive wooden box with a DRKN cap.
fnatic are the champions of Fragbite Masters Season 5. From the left: olofm, dennis, flusha, JW, vuggo, krimz.
Fragbite Masters is over. The successful Swedish team Fnatic won the Grand Final against their fellow Swedes in NiP Gaming with 2-1.
Fnatic wins the fifth season of Fragbite Masters after beating NiP Gaming 2-1 in the Grand Final here in Stockholm, Sweden. Taking a revenge after yesterdays loss Fnatic have now secured their second Fragbite Masters title, the first one won during the third season.

Fnatic opened up the Grand Final by winning the first pistol round on Train, NiP did reply immediately winning the following round equaling the score. But then it was mostly all about Fnatic. The Swedish Faceit winners had a good run when securing a 11-4 advantage in the first half. The most notable thing about it; they we're playing as the offensive side. NiP had to make a remarkable comeback not to lose this first map, but Fnatic were too good for their lead too big. Fnatic won the map with the score 16-9.

Dennis "dennis" Edman and his Fnatic got their revenge against NiP.

Dust2 was the second map in this Grand Final, starting with NiP Gaming playing the offensive side and doing so really well. They won five straight rounds before Fnatic could successfully defend the bombsite, but when they did they got a streak on their own equaling the score. Fnatic then went on to take over the lead for a while before NiP Gaming secured a first half win with the score 8-7. NiP kept winning rounds in the second half eventually getting to map point with Fnatic trailing six rounds. The ninjas made no misstakes in the 26th round thus forcing the game to a third decisive map.

NiP Gaming got a good start on the last map of the tournament, Mirage. The team quit easily worked their way to a 7-0 lead before Fnatic could win their first round. However, Fnatic did manage to even out the score a bit only trailing by three rounds when the first half ended. The second half then delivered some crazy rounds from each side ending with Fnatic running past NiP and closing in on the title. NiP did their best to win back the momentum but nothing could stop Fnatic who eventually won the map, and thus the Grand Final, with 16-12.

Fragbite Masters Grand Final

Sverige NiP Gaming vs. Sverige Fnatic

NiP: allu, f0rest, friberg, GeT_RiGhT, Xizt
Fnatic: flusha, JW, olofm, krimz, dennis

Top 4

1. Sverige Fnatic – 225,000 SEK (approximately $25,800)
2. Sverige NiP Gaming – 125,000 SEK (approximately $14,300)
3. Danmark SK Gaming – 90,000 SEK (approximately $10,300)
4. Danmark ? – 60,000 SEK (approximately $6,900)

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