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Fragbite Masters will be back


These are the invites for Fragbite Masters

These are the twelve CS:GO teams who have been invited for the third season of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem.
Our previous Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournaments have surely been something for the books. These past seasons we have managed to get the absolute top teams of Europe to compete for our prize pools, and this season is no different. Today, we announce the invites for the third season.

It's with a proud posture and a happy face we can say that both the previous champions of Fragbite Masters, namely NiP Gaming and Team Dignitas, will be back to once again play our tournament. Also, top placed teams from last year's edition are invited to compete with their slightly, or in some cases heavily, modified lineups. Without further ado...

Invited teams for Fragbite Masters Season 3

Danmark Team DignitasDanmark Copenhagen Wolves
Frankrike TitanFrankrike LDLC
Frankrike EpsilonSverige Bad Monkey Gaming
Sverige NiP GamingSverige fnatic
Ukraina Na`ViUkraina HellRaisers
Polen Virtus.proTyskland mousesports

The 12 teams listed above will be joined by a total of four top-placed teams from our qualifiers. More information about these qualifiers will be presented within the next couple of days. Keep your eyes and ears open, people!

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