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Fragbite Masters will be back

StarCraft 2

Sign up for the StarCraft II qualifiers!

Today, we can present the information about the two StarCraft II qualifiers for Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem!
This Sunday, the StarCraft II tournament of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem will begin. To fill the participant's list, though, we need four players to qualify through our two qualifiers. Now we can finally present these qualifiers to you, and also give you the opportunity to sign up for them.

The qualifiers will have an unlimited amount of participants, with the top two players earning a spot for the main tournament. The first opportunity to qualify will come this Thursday, the 1st of May, with a start at 18:00 CEST. The second qualifier will be held on Saturday, starting two hours earlier than the previous one. Please note that every player needs to be available during the check-in 30 minutes before the qualifier starts, and this happens in FBMSC2 at Battlenet.

FBM StarCraft II Qualifier #1

Date: 1th of May (Thursday)
Check-in: 17:30
Start: 18:00 CEST
Where: FBMSC2 at Battlenet
Slots: Unlimited (Top 2 qualify)

Admin: Breaker
Sign up-link

FBM StarCraft II Qualifier #2

Date: 3th of May (Saturday)
Check-in: 15:30
Start: 16:00 CEST
Where: FBMSC2 at Battlenet
Slots: Unlimited (Top 2 qualify)

Admin: Breaker
Sign up-link
Apart from the four players who quality through the tournaments above, another dozen of players will be directly invited for the tournament. These twelve participants will be presented throughout the week, so keep your eyes on open!

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