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Fragbite Masters will be back

DotA 2

RoX.KIS win Fragbite Masters!

After a four game best of five, RoX.KIS are crowned the champions of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem!
The new champions of Fragbite Masters have been crowned, and it's the CIS-based RoX.KIS who claim the title after a four map grand final against Swedish Monomaniac eSports.

The final began well for the Swedish side, who came into the tournament from the open qualifier, as they picked up the first game in the best of five clash. Though, RoX.KIS countered not only by winning the following match, but the one following as well. RoX also got a great start in the fourth match, picking up a quick lead. Monomaniacs managed to hold them back, and it almost looked like they would turn the whole match around, but the Eastern European team were just too strong.
Sverige Monomaniacs vs. Ryssland RoX.KIS1-3

MMC: Frigoleet, Steffestyle, Apemother, eskillz, solen
RoX: Goblak, Bzz, Yol, Sedoy, Solo
This means, like previously stated, that RoX.KIS grab the Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Dota 2 Spring Season 2014 title and also 110 000 SEK. Monomaniacs will receive 50 000 SEK and the two teams whose journey ended in the semi final stage, Fnatic and Empire, will get 10 000 SEK each.

Placings and prize distribution
Ryssland RoX.KIS
Sverige Monomaniacs
Europa Fnatic
Ryssland Empire
Vitryssland Power Rangers
Sverige 4FC
Sverige Turtle
USA Team Liquid
55% *
25% *
10% *
10% *

* Of the total prize purse, which total figure is yet to be calculated. The prize purse consists of at least 200 000 SEK (approximately 22 000 euro). The money added is from Dota TV ticket sales.

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