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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

Here's the winner of Play of the Day

The community voted, and this is the Com Hem Play of the Day you thought was worthy of the 25 000 SEK!
The vote is over, and now we know who receives 25 000 SEK, approximately $3,900. This was decided from an open vote, where you guys, the community, got to pick your best individual performance from this season of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem. Underneath this text you'll find a video presenting the top five, with the number one obviously being the winner.


As you should have already seen in the video above, there was never a question on who was the man to take home the prize. Richard "shox" Papillon stood for the top two sequences, who together had 45% of the votes, with the winning sequence having one fourth of the total votes. The top five was acutally very solid as the fifth placed clip had three times as many votes as the sixth placed, which was Pål "Polly" Kammens AWP team kill.

There were a lot of people tuning in to vote for the best sequence, and for that we would like to thank you for showing your interest. Hopefully we can continue having these kinds of side events in the future!

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