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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

Play of the Day: Time to vote!

It has been time to vote for the best play during the whole Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem season. Which one is your favorite?
A total of 42 matches has been played in the main CS:GO tournament of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem. With this amount of matches, it's inevitable for someone to do an amazing round — these rounds are the ones competing in the Com Hem sponsored Play of the Day competition.

For every day that has passed, a sequence from that day has been crowned Play of the Day. In the end, which is now, these Plays of the Days are competing for a prize of 25 000 SEK, approximately $3800 or 2800€. Underneath this text, we have listed 16 sequences, and you get to vote on your favorite. First of all, watch the clips, and when you have done that, all you have to do is vote in the poll underneath. You have two days to vote and the winner will be revealed on the second of April at 18:00 CEST.

Com Hem Play of the Day!
Play of the day #1 - gla1ve

Play of the day #2 - suNny

Play of the day #3 - neo

Play of the day #4 - ScreaM

Play of the day #5 - Polly

Play of the day #6 - sNax

Play of the day #7 - shox

Play of the day #8 - uzzziii

Play of the day #9 - taz

Play of the day #10 - DEVICE

Play of the day #11 - NBK

Play of the day #12 - sNax

Play of the day #13 - dupreeh

Play of the day #14 - GeT_RiGhT

Play of the day #15 - shox

Play of the day #16 - Xyp9x
Who do you think deserves the 25 000 SEK? Make sure to give your opinion by voting and commenting!

Who do you think should win the 25 000 SEK? VOTE NOW!

Play of the day #1 - gla1ve
20 (0%)
Play of the day #2 - suNny
28 (0%)
Play of the day #3 - neo
148 (3%)
Play of the day #4 - ScreaM
31 (0%)
Play of the day #5 - Polly
156 (4%)
Play of the day #6 - sNax
51 (1%)
Play of the day #7 - shox
925 (24%)
Play of the day #8 - uzzziii
3 (0%)
Play of the day #9 - taz
562 (14%)
Play of the day #10 - DEVICE
20 (0%)
Play of the day #11 - NBK
11 (0%)
Play of the day #12 - sNax
49 (1%)
Play of the day #13 - dupreeh
464 (12%)
Play of the day #14 - GeT_RiGhT
506 (13%)
Play of the day #15 - shox
790 (20%)
Play of the day #16 - Xyp9x
23 (0%)
Undersökningen har stängts och tar inte längre emot röster.

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