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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

NiP, Titan, Clan-Mystik amongst others invited to Fragbite Masters

The time has come to present the first half of the invited teams for the CS:GO tournament of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem 2014.
As the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive tournament is about to kick off Fragbite Masters by Com Hem 2014, it's time to start presenting the twelve teams that have been granted an invite to the tournament. For now, though, we'll start off by showing you half of the list.

These are the first six teams

Of course, we have decided to invite the reigning champions of Fragbite Masters, NiP Gaming, together with Clan-Mystik, who were the other finalists in the previous season. Mystik aren't the only French-based team invited, though, as Titan, one of the most successful teams in CS:GO history, have accepted their invite as well.

The list of superstar teams doesn't stop there. The incredibly well-known team who previously went under the Astana Dragons banner, and the Polish legends of Virtus.pro have also accepted their invites. Sixth, but not least, are the Danes in 3DMAX, who until recently represented n!faculty.

Invited teams

Sverige NiP Gaming
Frankrike Titan
Polen Virtus.pro
Frankrike Clan-Mystik
Ukraina ex-Astana Dragons
Danmark 3DMAX
Världen TBA

Världen TBA

Världen TBA

Världen TBA

Världen TBA

Världen TBA

The other half of the invites will be presented very soon. On top of the twelve invited teams, four contenders will become a part of the tournament through qualifiers. For more information about this, please visit our previous news post. More detailed information about the CS:GO tournament will be published during next week.

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