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Fragbite Masters will be back

DotA 2

Dota 2 joins Fragbite Masters 2014

We are happy to announce that Dota 2 will be the second title in Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem 2014!
As mentioned when we made Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem 2014 public, the season will consist of tournaments in three different game titles. Yesterday we announced the first title, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and today we are happy announce the second one — Dota 2.

This giant Valve MOBA title was a part of the 2013 season, and was very well received by both our audience and our participants. This feedback made it obvious for us to keep the title for this season as well.

— We saw a huge engagement from our viewers in the first season's Dota 2 tournament. This made us realise even more that we'd really love to be a bigger part of this community. Hopefully we'll be able to get the same kind of chemistry for this season, Head of Fragbite Pontus Ekilsson says.

The Dota 2 tournament of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem will be played in April and contain a total prize purse of at least 200 000 SEK, approximately 22 400 euro. Our goal is to boost this prize purse as much as possible before the kings are crowned, more detailed information about that will be provided closer to the tournament.

The format — a little bit different

Twelve teams will be directly invited for this tournament, but won't be mixed up with qualified teams at first. The twelve teams will create three "invite groups" where the top-two placed teams directly advance to the playoffs, while the bottom teams go to the Consolidation Stage. Don't be confused, this stage will be logical if you read the next lines.

While the three "invite groups" are played, an amateur tournament will be held in the background. This tournament is open for anyone to attend, and it will be played in a single elimination bracket. The two top teams in the amateur tournament will then be matched against the teams who failed in the "invite group" stage. This is the Consolidation Stage, which is played in a best of three single elimination bracket. Top two from this stage will join the other teams in the playoffs.

A graphical overview of the Dota 2 tournament format.

We understand that this might take a few glimpses before it sinks in, which is why we'll leave you with this information for now. More details, such as invites, prize distribution, full schedule and sign-ups for the amateur tournament, will be presented in March.

For more information of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem as a whole, please visit our information page.

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