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Fragbite Masters will be back

DotA 2

Alliance och Fnatic finalklara i FBM

The Dota 2 tournament in Fragbite Masters by Com Hem is coming to an end, and in the final Alliance and Fnatic will face off in a best-of-three series on December 14th.
The semi finals of Fragbite Masters by Com Hem are finished. The international squad Fnatic managed to beat the Belarusian team Power Rangers in a very convincing manner. The win gave them a slot in the grand final where they will play the Swedish TI3 champions in Alliance. The Swedes had a seemingly far more complicated semi final against the French-based team of WarMaker as they lost a map, but managed to come out on top in the third and final game of the series.

Semi finals
Vitryssland Power Rangers vs. Europa Fnatic0-2

PR: zxc, mooNlight, chshrct, j4 & fng
Fnatic: Fly, Era, n0tail, Trixi & H4nn1

Sverige Alliance vs. Frankrike WarMaker — 2-1

[A]: Loda, Akke, s4, EGM & AdmiralBulldog
WM: Wiz, Crio_J, Joraal, Hugo & DetaX
The Grand Final will take place on December 14th, where Fnatic and Alliance will face off in a best-of-three series for the first prize of 100 000 SEK. The exact hour of the final is yet to be decided, but the preliminary time set is 20:00 CET. A more precise time will be announced as soon as it has been determined.

Grand Final
Sverige Alliance vs. Europa FnaticBetta i tipset!

[A]: Loda, Akke, s4, EGM & AdmiralBulldog
Fnatic: Fly, Era, n0tail, Trixi & H4nn1

Date: 14th of December
Time: 20:00 (preliminary)
Format: Best of three
Stream: Fragbite Masters
Prize distribution:
1. 100 000 SEK
2. 50 000 SEK
3. 20 000 SEK
4. 8 000 SEK
5-8. Europa Super Strong Dinosaurs — 5 500 SEK
5-8. Sverige 4 Friends + Chrillee — 5 500 SEK
5-8. Danmark MCCBT Kawaii — 5 500 SEK
5-8. Kazakstan NEXT.kz — 5 500 SEK

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