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Inför Gamescom: Intervju del ett — Kottenx

Nu på torsdag så börjar det europeiska LCS-slutspelet och vi har fått tag på fyra spelare från fyra olika lag för en kort check vad de tror inför Gamescom.
Snart börjar Gamescom och då kommer även de europeiska LCS-slutspelet att gå av stapeln och först ut av de fyra intervjuerna vi har på lager är svenska Millenium-spelaren Markus "Kottenx" Tingvall. Redan imorgon kommer vi att leverera en ny intervju och vem vi redo då återstår att se men först ut är svensken Kottenx. Tingvall är Milleniums senaste rekryt och han kom till laget den 24 mars då han ersatte Alvar "Araneae" Martin Aleñar, numera coach för Fnatic. Säsongen har varit intressant för Millenium som öppnade stark och har under säsongen alltid varit ett mittenlag. De förlorade i torsdags mot ROCCAT och kommer nu på Gamescom att spela om att slippa kvala till den kommande säsongen av LCS.

Om den gångna säsongen

Congratulations on making it to the playoffs! How do you feel that the split went for you and your team?

— Thank you ! I feel the split went was a huge improvement from the last split not only in terms of results but also in improvements of our play. We have come a long way and we still have miles to go.

Throughout the season your team have been somewhat inconsistent. What’s the reason behind this?

— I think we are a bit inconsistent because our shotcalling and decisiveness are still lacking leading us to take bad fights when we're ahead.

If we look back, what could you and your team done better?

— We should have changed our practise so it was more impactful and use the time we have been given to improve the things we were lacking.

Last season, Millenium was forced to play relegation matches and now you, when you joined the team, you guys are going to play in the playoffs. Do you think that you are the reason behind your teams success this season?

— I think I definitely had a huge impact coming into the team but everyone stepped up their game and thats why we went so far.

Have your life changed since joining the LSC? And if yes, how?

— It have so much, I used to be a student when I was in Sweden and now im living in a gaminghouse in germany playing the game i love everyday.

If you need to highlight one of your teammates and give him extra cred, who would it be and why?

— Im going to have to give some extra cred to two players jree and kev1n both players really stepped it up this season and been very important in our games.

Om framtiden

If you need to predict the winner and you can’t choose your own team, who will win the whole split, and why?

— Fnatic would be my bet the always do good especially close to playoffs and i think they will get their fifth(?) playoff victory

Is there any match or moment from the split that will be extra memorable?

— I think our last game against Alliance will be remembered as a fun game which turned to a huge bloodbath with some crazy picks!

Congratulations once again, and good luck in the playoffs! Last but not least, Is there anything you want to say to your fans out there?

— Thank you guys for supporting us i know we are inconsistent but you have always been there cheering for us and we appereciate it. I also like to thank the millenium management and our sponsor logitech

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