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4Kings rekryterar natu *

När Red lämnade 4Kings strax efter ESWC stod 4Kings med bara fyra spelare och behövde därför rekrytera någon. Efter en tids väntan kan vi nu stilla vår nyfikenhet med faktumet att natu, känd från astralis, blir 4Kings femte spelare.
Detta ger 4Kings följande internationella uppställning:
aKuJii berättar följande om rekryteringen för Fragbite:
natu was considered because we practiced against astralis a lot at WEG and got along with him socially, so he worked out fine on two counts. The fact he was in Astralis was an issue for him and 4Kings but it was all resolved amicably i hope and now hopefully we can look to a brighter and more prosperous future here in 4Kings.

Detta betyder också att den finska mästarklanen nu tar 4Kings gamla roll, att bara ha fyra spelare.
I ett pressmeddelande berättar astralis emellertid att de planerar att ta in en ersättare när allting har lugnat ner sig.

* Uppdatering: En intervju med natu finns nu uppe.


Hi natu! You left astralis and joined 4Kings today. Tell us how this came about and why you decided to do this!

Well they contacted me a while back and expressed their interest towards me. After a while of thinking I felt this was too good of an opportunity to pass on, it's not really necessary to go into too much detail on why I made the choice. Sometimes you just gotta do what feels right :)

How does it feel to leave the boys in astralis? Do you think your relation to them has changed after this?

Hehe well they all know they're still my homies and that will never change. Obviously my relation to them has to change a little bit since I did leave them, but all things considered it was for the best and life goes on :).

Do you consider your new team in 4Kings simply to be stronger than astralis, or were there any other factors that made the decision easier?

Well I would say the difference between the two teams is that 4Kings has really routined and experienced players who know what winning is all about whereas astralis has some of the craziest individual skill and young ambition. Just like I said earlier, this just felt like too good of an opportunity to throw away. I don't think it's exactly necessary to go into details of exactly why. Just my call.. :)

How much did the fact that you have to communicate in English in-game affect your decision?

Not at all, it's not an issue for me what so ever. English is something I handle well and like to speak so actually it was more like a strong point than a minus :)

How much, and where, will you practise when you do practise? Will you only practise before the events or also on a regular basis?

We intend to bootcamp as frequently as possible to make the practice as efficient as possible, but this time around we'll be practicing online aswell on a regular basis - something the team hasn't done in the past. I'm here to cut the slackin! :)

All right, let's look in to the future – what does it hold?

Well as far as I know we're supposed to bootcamp in Sweden in the near future and right after that there's CPL WT stop in the UK which we'll be attending. Beyond that I don't really have much to say at this point - we'll see :)

4Kings have attended the two last seasons of WEG, do you know anything about you attending season 3?

This upcoming season they're holding qualifiers all around the world, so obviously we'd have to win one of them before being able to attend the 3rd season. If we're going to attend a qualifier or not I don't know yet, sorry :)

Thanks for your time natu, and good luck in 4Kings! Anything you'd like to add?

I'd like to thank the guys in Astralis for all the fun times we had at WEG, ESWC and so on... some of the best memories from my gaming career =). Peace!

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