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Asylum blir en del av mYm

Den danska klanen Asylum, som för övrigt är på Optihack för tillfället där de 15.30 ska möta klanen Riskera (HLTV.org / HLTV.nu), har lämnat Asylum-namnet ifrån sig. Substitutet blir mYm (meet your makers) – en dansk flerspelsklan. Som vanligt är det mestadels finansiella orsaker till varför de valde att genomföra bytet. Ett pressmeddelande från Hammertime, från det gamla Asylum-laget, finns om ni läser vidare medan listan på mYm.cs:s laguppställning finns här:
  • Hammertime
  • Galahat
  • reluctor
  • Relic
  • Bloddy
  • azzkikR

Asylum joins the ranks of MeetYourMakers (mYm)

Today we are pleased to announce that Asylum from this day forth, will be a part of the mYm organisation.

mYm is today a gaming-brand known world-wide. They have had great results with their world-class Warcraft3 section and in the future they want to achieve the same kind of results in the world of counter-strike.

First of all we want you to know that joining mYm was not an easy decision. The Asylum-tag was more than just a name: It was a kind of identity and symbol of who we were, and we are very sad to let it go.
Nevertheless mYm's excellent organisation, generous offers of sponsorship and persuasive managers convinced us in the end that mYm was the right place to go, and the right place to stay, if we want to "take this to the next level".

In the past we have never been certain which tournaments we could attend, and which we had to pass, because we could not afford them. Joining mYm will change much of that: We are now certain that scheduling and paying for several major tournaments will not be a problem - mYm will simply handle that part from now on.
Furthermore they will provide us with gaming-gear and hardware, yet another thing we will not have to worry about anymore.

The part the players have to focus on, is now mainly the simple task of playing counter-strike and being the best at it!

Mer information finns på mYm:s hemsida.

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