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Karrigan till n!faculty

Danske Finn "karrigan" Andersen tar plats i det svenska n!faculty-laget.
Den danska CS-stjärnan Finn "karrigan" Andersen ersätter Jonathan "lidde" Lidgren i svenska n!faculty, detta meddelade organisationen under måndagskvällen. Efter att så sent som i förrgår ha vunnit EPS Germany med sitt Playing Ducks väljer alltså Andersen att lämna organisationen för att istället spela med n!faculty. Debuten kommer redan om några dagar när laget deltar i CS:GO turneringen vid DreamHack Bukarest.

Andersen själv har gjort ett uttalande på faculty.de var han bland annat tackar sina gamla lagkamrater.

– From this day on I`m going to represent once more a German organisation, this time I`m happy to team up with team n!faculty! I`m very excited for the opportunity to play with such talented players and I`m very eager to help this team in a positive way, so we can achieve good results.

In a few days we will already attend DreamHack Bucharest with the team without much training days, but we are trying to do our best for that tournament.

People will wonder if I`m able to understand Swedish, but since I have played with fnatic in 2012 with some Swedish players I`m able to understand the most things ingame.

At least I want to thank the PlayingDucks organisation for the small and great time we had together, as well I want to thank Thorsten personally for understanding my situation and my decision.

Also I want to thank my former teammates chrisJ, LEGIJA, Kirby and tabseN for a really great time and I`m happy that we could end the trip with winning EPS Finals.

Det svenska n!faculty-lagets lagkapten, Alexander "rdl" Redl, har även han gjort ett uttalande.

– Today we sadly have to turn a new leaf in our journey as we say goodbye to one of our core players in our team. lidde has unfortunately decided that he does not have any more gas in the tank for CS:GO so he wanted to step down and take care of his personal life instead. We wish him the best of luck in his quest and hope our paths will cross again in the future.

As we turn the leaf we have decided that a bit of Red and White before Bucharest can`t hurt anyone so we are glad to announce that we will join forces with one of the greatest in 1.6 in form of karrigan. He brings a lot of routine and commitment as well as a fierce Sniper to the team.

We will make sure to improve our game immensely with this new addition and we welcome him with open arms. Thanks to CM Storm and gamed!de, that they helped us to make the trip to Bucharest to have again a great experience with n!faculty.

Förändringen innebär att n!faculty hädanefter representeras av följande spelare:

Finn "karrigan" Andersen
Markus "pronax" Wallsten
Jacob "pyth" Mourujärvi
Alexander "rdl" Redl
Christian "Spitfire" Schiölde
Debut med den nya femman blir det som sagt vid DreamHack Bukarest som går av stapeln under helgen i Sala Polivalentă.

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