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Nu officiellt: dsn lägger ner – lämnar fnatic

Tidigare under dagen skrev vi om ryktet som florerade om att dsn, som tillsammans med cArn länge utgjort stommen i fnatic, skulle lägga spelet på hyllan. Ikväll konfirmerade fnatic själva ryktet genom en nyhet på sin webbsida.
Rykten tidigare under dagen gjorde även gällande att den danska spelaren Friis skulle fylla tomrummet som dsn lämnar. Detta har dock varken bekräftats eller dementerats från fnatics sida. Någon ersättare har ännu inte offentliggjorts.

Utan dsn i laget ser fnatic numera ut såhär:
dsn säger själv följande i ett pressmeddelande som finns att läsa på fnatics webbsajt:
After playing Counter-Strike since the release and competitively since 2003, I’ve decided to quit. It has been a great time indeed; all the traveling I’ve done with the team, all the victories we’ve had together and all the people I’ve met through playing.

The reasons I’m leaving the game behind are many, but first and foremost I feel that I’m too indifferent towards the game. The motivation I had to win no matter what when I was younger isn’t really there anymore, and when I do things I want to do them wholeheartedly. Also, I’ve always promised myself that I would quit the day I didn’t enjoy playing anymore and that day is now.

The results might have something to do with it, it would be stupid to deny it. It’s a lot more fun to stand with a trophy at a top of a podium than to unplug your gear after being knocked out early. In the beginning of the year before the IEM European Championship I had that drive to put in hours because I wanted to win so bad, mostly just to beat f0rest and prove the world wrong. And after we had won it was almost like I had climbed Mount Everest or something, I didn’t really think about any other tournaments, all that mattered was that tournament and that we won.

It’s just a game, but it’s been my life for a very long time and even though it will feel weird to watch the tournaments from home, I am happy about the fact that it will free up a lot of time.

I’ve been lucky to have so many great teammates throughout the year – just watching the metamorphosis of f0rest from talent to one of the greatest players of all time was pretty cool – and I want to thank them all for the fun times we had together. I will especially miss Patrik (cArn) a lot for his bad humor (equal to mine) and due to the fact that we’ve played together for almost our whole professional careers.

I also want to thank all the players in the other teams on the CS tour for the fun times we’ve had, all our fans (you’ve all been great!) and Fnatic with sponsors for giving me the opportunity to play CS for over five years. To me, black and orange are the best colors you can wear in e-sport. Even though this in a sense is the end of an era, it’s also the start of a new era for the team.

I want to challenge myself, to feel those butterflies I once felt when playing big games, like when we played 16-14 on de_train versus Team 3D in the semifinal at ESWC 2006 and Tentpole was left in a 1vs2 situation the last round and managed to clutch it and everybody screamed really loud in Ventrilo so he almost didn’t find the planted bomb that was beeping faster and faster, just like my heartbeat beating faster and faster.

Thank you everyone for making the last eight years such a pleasant experience!
Mer läsning finner ni i redaktionsbloggen, där skjutjärnsjournalisten rich resonerar emot Friis vara i fnatic. – Hvorfor spille med svenskere når man kan spille med danskere, undrar rich.

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