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Nebb pensionerar sig och lämnar Destination Skyline

En av de äldre CS-profilerna i Sverige, Nebb, har nu bestämt sig för att lägga CS på hyllan, meddelar hans klan Destination Skyline. Nebb har förutom Destination Skyline tidigare spelat i bland andra Team Gamers.nu och HLO-caYa. Till meriterna kan även ett antal landslagsprestationer och frekventa inhopp i diverse toppklaner räknas.
Nebbs avslut innebär att svenskbeståndet i Destination Skyline minskat och att finnarna numera är i majoritet, tre mot två. Tidigare hade man sex aktiva spelare men i och med Nebbs bortfall är man nere på fem man. Om man kommer att rekrytera en ny sjätte spelare är ännu inte klart.

Destination Skylines laguppställning ser i dagsläget ut så här:
Vi har försökt att nå Nebb för en intervju men resultat på den fronten låter än så länge vänta på sig. Tills vidare får ni istället hålla till godo med natu, vilket ju inte är fy skam det heller.


Hi natu! Please tell us about what has been going on behind the scenes in Destination Skyline prior to the announcement of Nebb's reitirement.

Well basicly as Snajdan flew to Korea to participate in WEG with 4Kings we've been on a break, that makes it roughly a month by now. During this time everyone was doing everything they wanted, and most of us tried to keep as much distance from playing as possible to have the hunger to play again as he would come back.

But that kind of backfired in Nebb's case as it dragged his motivation and hunger to play to the opposite direction.

Things happened in his life during this time that made it harder and harder to devote the amount of time expected to play on a "professional level", and eventually he realised he wouldn't be able to keep up with the pace.

What does this mean for the team? Will you be looking for a sixth player or is your current five man roster sufficient for now?

A five man roster is obviously the perfect solution, but nothing's for certain at this point - we'll let ya'll know eventually :)

How's the motivation been among the rest of the players since your brake?

Pretty good, diGi's been busy with moving 'n studying. Zaffe, being a geek 'n all, has probably played seventeen mix's a day ^^ and me 'n mysse have played some but not too much. I know I'm eagar to get down to work again :). But yeah, I think motivation to play isn't really the issue among the rest of us.

Looking ahead then, when will we get to see you play some official matches? Have you got any events planned for?

Well I think AEC playoffs are supposed to take place in the near future. CPL WT Spain is a little bit uncertain at this point because of some mixups we weren't invited, but we're working on that :). Then we've got Karelia GameExpo tournament here in Finland in may.

Alright then, thank you for your time and good luck with your five man lineup or whatever it might end up being. Is there anything that you'd like to add?

No problemas dude, shoutouts to sponsors has become such a clichè that I'm just gonna skip it :D. Instead, just greetings to maNu(!) and the whole Samurai mixteam gang - you're the best guys! Obviously good luck to Nebb in his future adventures, keep it real :)! Last but deeeeeeeeefinitely not least: Älä viitti olla noin huolissas :<

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