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Counter-Strike: GO

Galaxy Racer manager: "We'll break them down into pieces"

Title favourites Galaxy Racer had a great start this weekend to the sixth consecutive season of Fragleague Top Division. Facing off against Swedish rivals familia, Galaxy Racer showed why they are a force to be reckoned with.
Two games were played last Sunday in Fragleague Top Divsion Group A. The game between Norwegian side FOXED and the Danes in DREAM turned out to be quite the one sided affair. On the first map Dust2 Foxed were absolutely dominant, and were able to end the map with a comfortable 16-7 victory. The second map of Nuke was a bit more even, but FOXED player jagrN really turned up on Sunday, and he ended Nuke with 31 kills. FOXED won Nuke in the end with the score 16-12, and with that the map 2-0.

In the broadcasted game of the night the giants in Nigma Galaxy faced off against familia. Underdogs familia surprisingly managed to win the first map Dust2 with 19-16 in overtime. Galaxy Racer however managed to pull themselves together, and won the following two maps, 16-9 and 16-12. We got to see some great plays from young stars Hugo "chawzyyy" Gunther and Joel "joel" Holmlund. After the win, this is what Galaxy Racer manager Bonafide had to say about the game:

"We're happy with the win, even though we're not as happy with how we played."

Next weekend Galaxy Racer will play against Danish side DREAM. Bonafide comments on the upcoming game:

"Danish CS is a lot more structured than Swedish CS. Luckily we have mastermind Thomas 'Haste' Dyrsenborg as our coach for the team, who's a veteran danish CSGO player turned coach. So we'll break them down into pieces and let him mastermind our way to the next W."

Group tables: Group A and Group B

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