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Fragleague Top Divison — dZ: "We have our chances of winning the game."

The show continues on Sunday with the Fragleague Top Division. After a boomer of a premier, we go in to a new day of great games. In the highlighted game of the broadcast, we'll get to enjoy a great Swedish derby between Familia and Galaxy Racer.
Tomorrow Sunday the ongoing season of the Fragleague Top Division resumes. We have two games upcoming tomorrow, and both we find in Group A. First off we have a Scandinavian derby between Norwegian team FOXED and Danish team DREAM. FOXED lost their first game of the season, quite heavily, against familia, meanwhile DREAM won their opening game against Lemondogs. The game between FOXED and DREAM begins at about 17.30 pm.

In the broadcasted game of the night, we'll get to see maybe the favourites of the whole season, Nigma Galaxy, go up against familia. Galaxy Racer who still hasn't played a game this season, surely wants to enter the season with a bang. The other Swedish side familia will have to be on the watch against Galaxy Racer star players like Joel "joel" Holmlund and Joakim "disco doplan" Gidetun. This is what familia player Dennis "dZ" Zetterlund had to say about the upcoming game against Galaxy Racer:

"I will always believe in my team so ofcourse I will say that we have our chances of winning the game. They are a super strong team and I expect it to be a good game and I am super excited to play it!"

This is what Galaxy Racer team manager BonaFide had to say about the ongoing session:

We are excited to compete in Fragbite's Fragleague. As a Swedish team, it's nice to compete in an event hosted by such an old school platform as fragbite. Which was around back even when I was a kid.
Our young guns, joelxd and chawzyyy has seen tremendous success the last couple of seasons, being runner up season 4 and winning season 5 with their old team. And we hope to keep that streak going for Season 6 as well!"

The broadcast starts tomorrow at 16.30 pm, so be sure to tune in at twitch.tv.

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