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Saunabois decreases the gap at the top

It is already week six of Fragleague Top Division. Kitchen have been the best team so far and they have increased the gap at the top of the table every week. Now it's time for somebody else to step up.
The first game of the day was a really close one. Saunabois fought for their lives and could in the end get the win just in front of Tempus and Kitchen. The second game were a show off from Saunabois, who won it easy. Twelve kills placed the finnish team in front of Bystanders and Gamefraym.

The third game of the day was a little bit of an upset. Uncut Jewelry played really well and got the win in the end. Team Clueless finished on second place with Kitchen just behind them. The fourth and last game of the day was a thriller. Both YMCA eSports and Bystanders ended up with a score of 17. Saunabois finished right behind them.

This means that Kitchen is still in the lead of Fragleague Top Division. Saunabois have done a great job in decreasing the gap between them and Kitchen at the top, it’s only 16 points between them. Bystanders is in third place, 44 points behind Saunabois. The table can be found here.

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