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Fragleague Top Division week 5 — Kitchen increases the gap

Sunday means another game of Fragleague Top Division. Kitchen has been dominating the table while a few teams are battling around the second place. Saunabois are hoping to decrease the gap at the top to have a chance of taking the first place.
The first game of the day was a close one. Saunabois took the win in the end, finishing just in front of Uncut Jewelry and Gamefraym on second and third place. The second game of the day was won by Egg Yolk, where both FELIX-j- and Triquo had a really good game. Team Readzone and Kitchen finished second and third, a bit behind Egg Yolk.

The third game of the day was a special one since both Vis players HoneyBadger and Andy_Tuhoo were really successful with their playstyle. Eleven kills just between the two of them helped Vis to win their first game of the day. The final game of the day was a slaughter from the favourites Kitchen. The finnish team got fifteen kills and won the game easily.

Fragleague Top Division continues on November 15th at 13:00 CET. The game will as always be live streamed on twitch.tv/fragbite.

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