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Fragleague Top Division playoffs — Sweden crushed Denmark

The playoffs of Fragleague Top Division have finally started. One game will be played each week until the final in December. The first quarter final was played between the swedish team Flowskola and the danish team Accusata.
The game started on Dust2 where Accusata started on the ct-side. The danes won the first three rounds before Flowskola could take their first round of the day. The two teams then won a few rounds here and there which meant 8-7 to Flowskola at half time. Flowskola won the second pistol round and then quickly went up to fifteen rounds. The swedes had some problems closing the map down but Lukas "MistFire" Poromaa defended bombsite A brilliantly with three kills in the final round. 16-14 to Flowskola.

The second map of the day, Train, was a one sided story. Flowskola started on the ct-side and immediately won the pistol round and the upcoming thirteen rounds. All of the swedes played with auto-sniper towards the end which made it tough for the danes. Accusata won the last round of the half which meant 14-1 to Flowskola. The danes won the pistol round as CT and started winning some rounds, but it was not enough. The gap was too big to close down. Flowskola won the map with 16-6 and the game with 2-0.

With this win, Flowskola advances to the semi final where there will be a swedish derby against Kombucha. The derby will be played on November 22nd. The next game in Fragleague Top Division will be played on November 15th when Lilmix and Lyngby Vikings will face each other. The game starts at 16:30 CET and will as always be streamed on twitch.tv/fragbite.

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