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Lyngby Vikings crushed the first week of Fragleague Top Division

Lyngby Vikings won the Top Division of Fragleague last season and are therefore going into this season as favourites to win it all over again. Their first game of the season was against the swedish team flisk.
The game started out on Mirage, and was a special story. Lyngby started on the ct-side and got the train rolling right from the beginning. Flisk really tried to stop the danes but with no result. The map was won by Lyngby Vikings with 16-0, Cabbi finished on 34 kills for the danes. The second map was Vertigo, and it was kind of the same story. Flisk tried and tried, but Lyngby just was too good this day and won the map with 16-4 and the game with 2-0.

Two other games were played that day. The danish team Accusata won against Sorbyflames and kombucha won the swedish derby against Lilmix. This means that Lyngby Vikings are on top of group A and that Accusata are on top of group b.

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