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Qualify for the biggest amateur league in the Nordics — Sign up now!

Do you want to qualify for one of the biggest amateur esport leagues in the Nordic region? We are in the midst of the first week of Fragleague S5 and it's time to sign up for the first Weekly Cup in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The Weekly Cups is your first step on your climb towards our Nordic Top Divisions in Fragleague.
As you all know by now we have Weekly Cups for CS:GO during Fragleague. This is your chance to qualify for your regional division for Fragleague S6 where you will be able to compete against some of the best teams and players from your country. If your team plays well enough during one of the Weekly Cups you will qualify for the Weekly Cup Playoff that is played during the last week of Fragleague.

You can sign up to the qualifiers here:

SverigeSwedish qualifier
DanmarkDanish qualifier
NorgeNorwegian qualifier
FinlandFinnish qualifier

Prizepool in Weekly Cup Final
1st - 5.000 SEK + Advances to regional Division
2nd - 2.500 SEK

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