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Tempus still on top of the Top Division of Fragleague

The danish team Tempus is still on top of the leaderboards after the sixth week of Fragleague. Both Tempus and Hakkapeliitas played very well this weekend and the distance to the other teams in the table is getting bigger.
YMCA eSports has been struggling so far in the fourth season of Fragleague, but dominated the first game of the day and won it with ease. Hakkapeliitas finished fifth in the first game, but improved in the second game by finishing first and getting eleven kills. The tournament favourites Tempus were right behind them with ten kills.

The finnish team ENCE Esports did very well in the third game of the day by getting that chicken dinner. Swedish Granit topped the kill table with eleven kills and managed to get a second spot. RÄHINE eGameStars won the fourth and final game of the day with Hakkapeliitas and Where Team close behind. Tempus is still on top of the total leaderboard of Fragleague with 250 points. Hakkapeliitas and Ence on second and third place with 239 and 182 points each.

Artikelbild: PEL Esports

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