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wincentxD wins the voting for Xtrfy's Match MVP

It was another intense week of Fragleague action. The battle for Xtryf's Match MVP stood between wincentxD and Klubbadeluxe, a battle that wincentxD was able to win.
This week's Xtrfy's Match MVP award goes to the CS:GO player wincentxD of Finalboss. Finalboss versus Blekingelaget was the featured game of the night last Sunday, a top game from the CS:GO Division 1. wincentxD played a big role when Finalboss won against Blekingelaget with a 2-0 result, when he massed a total of 37 frags over the two maps played. In the voting he was up against PUBG player Felix "KlubbaDeluxe" Carlsson of 556 Mafia. Klubbadeluxe came second with his 556 Mafia in the rankings last weekend, and he pulled off a total of nine kills. Still, the public saw wincentxD as the MVP of the weekend, and he won the votings with 55% of the votes. Congratulations wincentxD.

What is Xtrfy's Match MVP?

Every week of Fragleague, during the Sunday Show, our casters Tenshi and Zeweig nominate two players, one from each match broadcasted, who stood out in their respective matches. The community then votes on who they think deserves to be the weeks Xtrfy's Match MVP through a poll on our instagram. The winner is being announced on fragleague.com and on the following broadcast and claims a special edition mousepad from Xtrfy.

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