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Fragleague S2: PUBG Open Division goes into the final stage

On Friday the finals of the second season of the PUBG Open Divison begins. Last Crew may have won the regular season, and Zoekt een Naam might be the strongest name in the division, but the competition is wide open.
It's been an intense season of PUBG Open Division, with only a few points separating the teams advancing to the final, and those who did not. Finnish side Last Crew proved to be the strongest team during the regular season, landing on 339 total points after eight weeks played. A total of 16 teams advanced from the regular season to the final, which will be played on Friday night. Among others, Zoekt een Naam is one of the most established teams going into the finals.

As mentioned, 16 teams will battle it out in the final. The teams will fight for the glory, but also gaming gear from Xtrfy is up for grabs. Will it be regular season champions Last Crew that will go all the way, or maybe Zoekt een Naam? Be sure to tune in tomorrow, Friday, and watch the finals. The finals will be broadcasted on Twitch.tv, starting 19 pm.

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