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Quickmath excells in the eight week of the PUBG Alpha Group

It seems like nobody will be able to stop Quickmath this season. Week 8 proved to be another week of Finnish dominance, and it is hard to imagine them giving up that first place in the upcoming, last week of the Fragleague: PUBG Alpha Group.
The question beforehand was if the Finnish side Quickmath would be able to extend their lead in the Alpha Group of Fragleague: PUBG. Oh boy, did they extend that lead. They began in a modest way, finishing 8th in the first game, a game that was won by Team Clueless, followed by Riddle Esports. After game one, there would be no one able to challenge Quickmath. Quickmath was able to absolutely dominate the second, and third game of the night. Massing almost 200 total points in both games. Not only did Quickmath excel in games two and three, the supposed challengers in Team Clueless and Riddle Esports, didn't pull off high finishes at all.

This means that Quickmath's lead is even bigger going into the last week of Fragleague. With only one week left to play, Quickmath stands on 2940 total points, meaning 580 points more than second place team 556 Mafia. Next week everything will be decided, and we'll see if Quickmath will take home the first place prize of 60 000 SEK, or if someone will be able to make the crazy upset.

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