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jallajalla dominates the last qualifier of Fragleague S2: Rocket League — Next up is the final bracket

With the last qualifier in the books, we're heading into the final bracket and the fight for 50 000 SEK. The last qualifier was dominated by jallajalla, and from Qualifier #8, they will be accompanied by Discount, Flake eSports and Perfect Storm in the final bracket.
In the last qualifier of Fragleague S2: Rocket League, we saw jallajalla crushing their opponents on their path to victory. Winning every map with 3-0 score, there was never any doubt who the best team of the qualifier was. In the final game, they took down Perfect Storm, which proved to be a tough opponent, even though losing the final 0-3. From the 8th qualifier, we'll see jallajalla, Discount, Flake eSports and Perfect Storm in the final bracket.

Now all the qualifiers are played, and next up is the final bracket and the fight for a lion's share of the 50 000 SEK prize pool. There is also gear from Xtrfy on the line. The final bracket will be played on the 4th and 6th of June, with the broadcast starting 7 pm both nights on Twitch.tv. Maybe jallajalla or some of the other teams from the last qualifier will prevail. For more information about the final bracket and the competing teams, go to Liquipedia.

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