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Djungelboken closing in on Lyngby Vikings in the Fragleague: CS:GO Top Division

Last weekend we got to witness one matchup from the bottom half of the Top Division, and one from the upper half. Djungelboken picked up points on leading team Lyngby Vikings, meanwhile Strong won their first game of the season.
Two games were played last Sunday in the Fragleague: CS:GO Top Division. The featured game of the night was the one between Strong and Granit. Two teams at the bottom of the table, in urgent need for points. On the first map of Inferno, Strong instantly took commando. With great plays across the whole playing field, Strong controlled the map from start to finish and finally won the game with a 16-8 score. The second map of Train proved to be a considerably more close game. With 30 rounds played the score was 15-15, and the winner had to be determined on overtime. Strong showed better nerves and won the map 19-16, and with that the game.

In the second game of the night Lyngby Vikings weren't able to extend their lead in the Top Division, after losing 1-2 to djungelboken. The table is now excitingly even, with Lyngby Vikings still in the lead on 15 points, followed by Ambush and Lyngby Vikings on 12 points each.

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