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Everything you need to know about the final week of the Open Divisions

We are getting closer to the last week of this season of Fragleague. Here's all dates, times, formats as well as awesome prizes from Xtrfy that you need to know.
The last week of Fragleague, starting on the Tuesday 4/6 will be pumped with action for all three titles. Which teams will advance to the higher divisions in CS:GO and PUBG, and who will claim the title as the first Rocket League winners of Fragleague? Find below the details about all playoffs respectively.

The PUBG Playoffs

Wednesday 5/6, 19:00 CEST (BO4)
Friday 7/6, 19:00 CEST (BO6)

Two semifinals, BO4, with 16 team lobbies will be played on the Wednesday where top 8 from each group moves on to the final on Friday (BO6). The top 6 teams from the final advances to Division 1 of Fragleague Season 3.

1. 4x Xtrfy H2, 4x Xtrfy K3-RGB
2. 4x Xtrfy H2
3. 4x Xtrfy K3-RGB
4-8. 4x Xtrfy M2, 4x Xtrfy GP1 Fragbite Edition
9-32. 4x Xtrfy GP1 Fragbite Edition

The CS:GO Playoffs

Saturday 8/6, 13:00, 17:00 & 21:00 CEST
Sunday 9/6, 16:00 & 20:00 CEST

A BO3-bracket will kick off on the Saturday with the RO32 starting at 13:00 CEST. The following matches are scheduled four hours later to enable teams to eat and ventilate before heading into their next match. Making it into the top 4 guarantees a place in Division 1 for the next season of Fragleague.

1. 5x Xtrfy H2, 5x Xtrfy K3-RGB, 5x Xtrfy M2
2. 5x Xtrfy H2, 5x Xtrfy K3-RGB
3. 5x Xtrfy H2
4. 5x Xtrfy K3-RGB, 5x Xtrfy M2
5-8. 5x Xtrfy M2, 5x Xtrfy GP1 Fragbite Edition
9-16. 5x Xtrfy M2
17-32. 5x Xtrfy GP1 Fragbite Edition

The Rocket League Playoffs

Tuesday 4/6, 19:00, 20:00 & 21:00 CEST
Thursday 6/6, 19:00, 20:00 & 21:00 CEST

The Rocket League playoff is a simple single-elimination bracket with matches to be played BO7. All matches are scheduled with an hour between them starting on Tuesday at 19:00 CEST. The semi finals will be played at seperate times, 19:00 and 20:00 respectively, on Thursday with the final straight after.

1. 25.000 SEK
2. 15.000 SEK
3. 10.000 SEK
4. 3x Xtrfy H2, 3x Xtrfy K3-RGB
5-8. 3x Xtrfy M2, 3x Xtrfy GP1 Fragbite Edition
9-32. 3x Xtrfy GP1 Fragbite Edition

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to any of our admins on our discord-channel.

More about the prizes

Xtrfy H2 (Headset)
Xtrfy K3 RGB (Keyboard)
Xtrfy M2 (Mouse)
Xtrfy GP1 (Mousepad)

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