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Lavin wins the featured game of Fragleague last Sunday

We only got to see one game from the Top Division of CS:GO last weekend, but it was a good one. Lavin showed they are in form, meanwhile, Lilmix has to go back to the drawing board after losing the game 0-2.
There was only one game played last weekend in the Top Division of Fragleague: CS:GO. It was Lavin taking on Lilmix, two teams in the middle of the board of the Top Division. It was Lavin that took command of the game from the getgo, starting on Mirage. We got to see some great play from many of the Lavin players, but especially Jakob "minio" Åberg, who went on the win the Xtrfy's Match MVP award. Without any bigger issues, Lavin was able to control the map and win Mirage with the score 16-10.

The second map proved to be an even more one-sided map. This time on Nuke, Lavin dominated the map. With exceptional yard holds and control of the upper site, Lilmix couldn't do much. The MVP of the match, minio, once again showed his worth. Lavin went on with their great play on the T-side, and finally won the map 16-6. With that, they won the game 2-0 and it was their second win in a row. Upcoming Sunday the action continues, and there are some really interesting games coming up.

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