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Another Lavin player wins the Xtrfy's Match MVP — This time the award goes to minio

For the third week in a row, it's a player of Lavin that takes home the Xtrfy's Match MVP. Jakob "minio" Åberg is this week's winner of the MVP award, after his outstanding performance against Lilmix.
Lavin had a rough start in Fragleague this season, but things have started to look better. This weekend they won the second game in a row. On sunday they were up against Lilmix. Lavin won the game with a 2-0 result, many thanks to their player Jakob "minio" Åberg. Over the two maps played, he managed to mass a total of 44 frags. He was up against PUBG player Nikolaj "Clib" Madsen of Riddle Esports in the voting. minio won the votes comfortably, with 140 votes to 56. This is the third time a player of Lavin wins the Xtrfy's Match MVP.

What is Xtrfy's Match MVP?

Every week of Fragleague, during the Sunday Show, our casters Tenshi and Zeweig nominate two players, one from each match broadcasted, who stood out in their respective matches. The community then votes on who they think deserves to be the weeks Xtrfy's Match MVP through a poll on our instagram. The winner is being announced on fragleague.com and on the following broadcast and claims a special edition mousepad from Xtrfy.

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