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Week 4 of Fragleague: PUBG Alpha Group done

In the absence of Quickmath, new teams rose to the occasion. 556 Mafia is now only 150 points behind the Finns.
Quickmath, the team on top of the table, in the Fragleague: PUBG Alpha Group were absent from last week's PUBG action. New contenders arose, while 556 Mafia remains the main contender. Game one of week 4 was a tight one, with Elgiganten Gaming edging out in the end, with a total of 10 kills. In the second game, 556 Mafia was back in business after a disappointing game one. Even though managing a total of 10 kills, it was MJ Academy that won the game with 170 total points. In game 3 556 Mafia came second again, this time behind Forbidden Chiefs who had a monster of a game. The last game of the day was all about Hakkapeliittas1, who pulled off 13 total kills and 230 total points.

This means, even though not playing in week 4, Quickmath is still top of the table with 1390 points, closely followed by 556 Mafia and Team Clueless. Next week we'll see if Quickmath will pick up were they left, or if the challengers can continue to close the gap to the Finns.

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