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rainbOwslayR is the winner of Xtrfy's Match MVP of Fragleague week 3

With 43 kills on Train against Granit, CS:GO player rainbOwslayR of Lavin had a phenomenal performance last weekend. He is our Xtrfy's Match MVP of week 3, after winning the votes against PeltsiJ with 178 to 54.
With Fragleague well underway, we have been blessed with some really crazy action so far. In the Alpha Group of PUBG, the Finnish side Quickmath has been playing some outstanding PUBG, with "PeltsiJ" standing out. He was up against the CS:GO player "rainbOwslayR" of Lavin for the Xtrfy's Match MVP. Even though PeltsiJ, would have been a legitimate choice for the award, it was rainbOwslayR who came up on top. With his 178 votes against PeltsiJ's 54, it was in the end no question about who the fans saw as the real MVP of week 3 of Fragleague. rainbOwslayR had a crazy game two against Granit in the featured game of the night. Even though Lavin lost 2-0 to Granit, rainbOwslayR was able to put up 43 kills against them on Train. Congratulations to rainbOwslayR!

What is Xtrfy's Match MVP?

Every week of Fragleague, during the Sunday Show, our casters Tenshi and Zeweig nominate two players, one from each match broadcasted, who stood out in their respective matches. The community then votes on who they think deserves to be the weeks Xtrfy's Match MVP through a poll on our instagram. The winner is being announced on fragleague.com and on the following broadcast and claims a special edition mousepad from Xtrfy.

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