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Don't miss Sunday's broadcast of Fragleague — Dreamhack producer Dagny Veinberg will be guesting the show

Week 3 of Fragleague is coming up on Sunday. PUBG Alpha Group will continue where it left off, with Finnish side Quickmath leading the group. We'll also have two games from the CS:GO Top Division. Dreamhack producer Dagny Veinberg joins as a guest.
Sunday is another day of the Fragleague show, featuring games from the Alpha group of PUBG and the CS:GO match of the day. In PUGB we'll see if Finnish side Quickmath will continue their reign, and strengthen their position on the top of the table or if we'll see a new team leading the way. The CS:GO Top Division has two games to offer tomorrow. In the first game we'll see Strong facing djungelboken. In the second game of the night Granit will battle it out against Lavin, both teams still without a victory this season. Once again dynamic duo Lucas "Tenshi" Collard and Alexander "Zeweig" Lind will be casting the games.

The guest of the night is Dreamhack producer Dagny Veinberg. She has been working behind the scene at Dreamhack for a couple of years. Lately she's been focusing on producing one of the biggest Dota 2 tournaments around, Dreamleague. Join in on the fun tomorrow, and hear what she'll have to say. On top of that, we'll certainly see some interesting games tomorrow, be that CS:GO or PUBG.

Be sure to join in on all the action on Sunday and hear what Dagny Veinberg has to say, at 14:15 pm on Twitch.tv

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