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tease from Wildfire Gaming: "The fear is versus the Danish team"

With two rounds played in the Top Division of Fragleague CS:GO, Wildfire Gaming sits at the top of the table with two wins in two games. In this interview, we talk to their captain, William "tease" Sid, about the ongoing season.
Wildfire Gaming is on top of the table in the Top Division of Fragleague CS:GO Season 2. We contacted the captain, William "tease" Sid, for a brief chat about the team, their expectations and preperations for the second season of Fragleague.

In the first season of Fragleague, you guys ended up in fifth place. This season you've got two new faces in your team, ZER and Sapec, and you've started off really well with two wins in two games. Are you feeling better coming into this season?

Yes, with ZER and Sapec joining the team I feel like we have reached a new level and we are coming into this season more prepared and with more confidence than before.

How has the team changed with ZER and Sapec in the team? What do they bring to the table?

They are two very talented players that bring more individual skill to the team, as well as fit the roles that we need. ZER is more of a lurker/secondary awper for us and Sapec is the "star player" and he is also really good at locking down sites as CT.

How have you been preparing for this season of Fragleague?

We have been practicing as usual five times a week during the evenings. We have also implemented a new tool from a website that allows us to watch demos of ourselves, as well as other teams. It has been really effective due to the overview of the game it gives, it makes it easier to find mistakes in our own play and makes demo reviewing of other teams more informative.

You're at the moment top of the table, after two wins in two games. How far can you go this season? What are your expectations?

Our goal is of course to win the season and we expect ourselves at least in the top 3. We also want to make sure that we are always playing well against any team and never feel like we had no chance in the match.

Are there any teams you fear to play this season? Is there a team, except for yourselves, you see as the favorites to take the trophy?

We are very familiar with the Swedish teams and comfortable playing them, so the fear is versus the Danish team because we have less knowledge of what to expect from them and we know that they are good. Honestly really hard to tell who is going to win since I feel that all the teams are very close to each other skillwise, but of course we see ourselves taking home the trophy.

I wish you luck in the upcoming matches! Is there anything you would like to add?

I would like to say thanks to my teammates for all the work they put into the team and thank you to Wildfire gaming for the support they give us. Also thanks for the good luck wishes and for the interview. You can expect us to rise in ranks among the Nordic teams this season!

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